Online media and product monetization

Developing and optimizing various types of online products and revenue generating models.
Search | Display Ads | Native Ads | Content

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Search feeds

Monetized search feeds for type-in, native and arb traffic

Chrome Extensions

Chrome extension development and distribution

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Native ads

Native search campaigns in Facebook, Tiktok, Taboola and Outbrain

Search monetization made easy

We will provide you with all the tools you need to make your online product more profitable.
Revenue tools, User acquisition, Extension development and tracking.

Our Services

Marketing Strategy

Finding your online advertising goals and help you reach them.


Shopping feeds aggregation and monetization.

Extension Development

Chrome extension development and distribution on media platforms.


Search feeds monetization and tracking platform.

Native Marketing

Search and content campaigns over native media platforms.

Social Media Marketing

Search and affiliate advertising on all social networks.